Normally, the sniper rifle not only kills most infantry in one bullet, but also pierces through them to hit anyone else behind them.
The inverse happens in a cutscene near the end of "Armored Assault".When you get your hands on the same weapon in the actual game, the only respectable damage you can get out of it is via headshots (Nod technicians in buildings who attack you with it can't even get that), and most enemies can't directly damage your health until your armor is completely depleted. Without armor, it very nearly kills you in one shot with armor, it "only" brings you down to half health and half armor. In the boot camp level, Sydney demonstrates the difference in health lost with and without armor by shooting you in the gut with the pistol.Anti-Frustration Features: The game has an innovative-for-its-day system where the items enemies drop is determined by your character's status: if you're low on health, they tend to drop health, if you're low on armor, they tend to drop armor, and if you're low on ammo they tend to drop their gun.
In Renegade X, these weapons are merged as a single Tiberium Auto-rifle where the primary fire shoots small blue Tiberium flechettes while the Secondary Fire shoots explosive, arcing shots of blue Tiberium for anti-vehicle ability and it's more appropriately given to Mendoza on Nod rather than Patch and Sydney on GDI.